We are two people that believe the world can actually be left in a better place than what it is. What exists now is not a given; the needle can always be moved forward by individuals and organizations who are willing to do so. We have a keen interest in working with organizations who are determined to better orient their mission, strategy and service delivery to the benefit of who they serve.
Our experience is in the design and delivery of services in the human service and health care industries where we have spent most of our careers. Our approach to this work has been shaped by the lived experience having had the opportunity to work in seniors communities, and with staff, residents and families that make each community. We bring deep knowledge of all aspects of service delivery – from
mission, through to strategy, and service design.
The word content is a homograph, meaning the word has the same spelling but different meanings. Content can be an adjective with the meaning of being in a state of happiness and it can also be a noun with the meaning of having something contained. We believe you can have both – contentedness and substance. At Content Consulting Inc, we look at all aspects of organizations from examining the foundation of mission, vision and values or as we call it the “affect” to the organization’s business aspects such as strategy, governance, structure, finances, etc. to see if there is a healthy balance of the two.
We do the usual stuff consultants do; we just do it differently. We tap into the creativity that exists in all organizations (even if its been dormant for awhile) and have some fun in the process. This is what makes it different. Our services include, strategic planning, administrative and operational leadership
services, service recoveries, service reviews, strategic communications planning, fund development planning and strategizing, financial reviews and planning, workshop development and education focused on true client centered and driven services.